Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Where to find me

Obviously, I havent rocked the blogspot for a good long while now.

If you want to keep up with my DJing and other thoughts you should head on over to my facebook page where I post my upcoming gigs, whatever rad releases I find, and other things of interest, like radio playlists and such.

You can get my ramblings from my brain by checking my twitter

which, when I actually have battery on my phone, I am usually using to blather on about whatever.

If you want to hear me on the radio, I currently present and produce Overdrive on 2SER 107.3FM in Sydney every Monday from 1600 to 1800 Australian Eastern Time, it can also be found on the DAB+ digital band (look for 2SER - i think we are third!) or by going to and getting the (now better quality!) webstream

And finally, if you want random lols, I have a tumblr too - check it at

Finally, have my most recent mix... I dont know how long it will be online for, but check the sunday hip hop styles...

Alistair Erskine - Sunday Afternoon Hip Hop mixup

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